Tuesday 24 June 2014

My Little Sis :)

So much chaos, so much confusion.. People did not know whom to believe and whom not to. This was when i started speaking to this girl. I instantly knew she doubted me, she believed other people who spoke non sense about me. But i knew my principles very well and pretty much stuck to them. One of them -- "Don't convince people about ur goodness. If they trust u, they wont believe others. "

"She's very pretty," 
This was my answer to a friend's question when he asked me what i thought about her looks. 
Did that mean i have a crush on her???? I don't think so, but an eavesdropper thought so and told her. She avoided me and i slowly began to accept the fact that it wasn't worth spending time trying to talk to her and convince her.
 But one day suddenly i receive a call from her number. I hesitatingly pick it and she says "Wassuupppp??" in her usual sweet manner. Though we did not talk about the crush issue (We haven't yet and i dont think we will ever), the conversation ended after an hour and I knew everything was sorted out.

From then on, we haven't fought even once, haven't had any difference of opinions. We pull each others' legs, have lots of fun and force each other to put in the best in academics. May be i haven't found a better friend than her. 

Over the past one year, we have supported each other through thick and thin and pulled each other up even from the deepest pits we have come across in our lives. Being an year older to her, I have faced the terror of stress, examinations and emotional imbalance a touch more than her. This always makes me guide her through the tough paths and give her my shoulder to weep on and share everything she wants to, irrespective of whether she's right or wrong. And I'm sure i will unconditionally help her and support her throughout.

Slowly we started considering each other as siblings and that brought us closer. Being an elder brother, I am pretty protective about her. Though she keeps saying "I'm BIG", she knows that she will always be my little sister. :) 

Now, i have given her a task, a challenge - to either match or surpass me in academics and get to the same or a better institute than mine. I know she will successfully complete it but she doesn't know she can. (that's actually why i have given it to her)

In all, she's one of the best friends i have ever had... may be more than a friend, more than a sister, someone very very special and close..:)

Love u a lot sis :) 

Friday 20 June 2014


After a very tough span of two years, full of my expectations, elders' expectations and dreams, I'm yet to get over the fact that I don't have to study so much for the next 3 months atleast!
I MAY not have achieved what I dreamt of, but the satisfaction of trying my best is a very good feeling.
Few people treat me as their role models, few take me to be their guides, few consider me as their friend, but the worst part is few use me as a help, as a support when they fall and ignore, dismiss and say "Takhliyah" when I try to push them further up when they are already climbing. But as far as i know about myself, i am a person who will never say "I'm busy. I cant help" to anyone. It was written in my horoscope too that i will grow up to be a helpful person, sometimes horoscopes also turn out to be true (may be a chance factor). Whatever it is, I will help and wish good for all my friends irrespective of how they treat me or value my efforts. That's my nature and its pretty hard to change.
I am also very focused on what I do. I remove everything that takes me away from my goals... lakshya ko har haal mein paana hain... I have made pretty tough decisions to keep myself away from distractions in life and I am proud I did so.. no regrets...
I also believe in 'Work is worship' and not 'Worship is work'. Serving the society is the best form of worship i feel, and so does my 'first hero'. Maybe this is the ideal mindset for a future doctor...
Thats a brief intro about myself as i start blogging today...