Saturday 5 July 2014


"This is the bus stop where we have to get down," said my teacher.
 We alighted the bus and moved towards the institute where I had to take 2 classes for kids in his absence the next week. I, being the senior most student, had to do atleast this in return to what sir had done for me since the past 7 years. To avoid the embarrassment of being kicked out of the institute for saying "I am the teacher today and all of you have to listen to me" , I was accompanying him to be introduced to the kids and the staff.
"And this is where I have my tea and snacks," he said as he pointed to a small shop just ahead of the bus stop. So we went to the shop and ordered two cups of tea. After we had finished, the shopkeeper asked us to pay 24 bucks. My teacher had 20 and i had to give 4 more to satisfy the lean tall malnourished guy. Hence i took out my wallet and paid. We thanked him and left without noticing the orange coloured ear phones which had fallen from my pocket as i had taken out the wallet.
After being introduced, i left the institute. As i walked down the road, i frantically looked for my earphones and then i realised that i had dropped them. I ran back to the shop and asked Mr. Malnourished. He said "Was that yours? One of my friends picked it up and took it with him. I will get it from him and return it. Come back in 2 days." I did not know whether to believe him or not but i had no other option. I thanked him and left.
The next week, i again reached the same shop and asked him hoping for a positive reply. He said, "My friend seems to have misplaced it." On further inquiry, he said, "Let me call him up now and ask."
Hearing only one side of the conversation, I understood that his friend said he would return it as soon as he finds it. I knew this was a lie. I asked Mr. Malnourished for Mr. Lier's phone number but he said, "It would be wrong on my part to give you his number," and lighted a cigarette for himself. I was getting late for my class and i left. After the class, I went there and asked him for his number. He angrily said, "see dude, i have my small business here and i am involved full time in this. i cant waste my time on a small piece of wire." I called up my teacher and told him everything. He said that he would talk to Mr. Malnourished the succeeding week and try to get my earphones.I sat back feeling very depressed and angry that i had lost my favourite ear phones and my bday gift from mom :'(
Today I called up my teacher and he said that Mr. Lier had disappeared and not to be seen as reported by Mr. Malnourished.
This was pissing off. Now even he had started lying.
This nature of people I hate. I don't object on him picking it up, I don't object on him taking it home but once the true owner is known , it should be returned to him. Being true to oneself is more important than possessing any luxury. I don't mind losing the 300-400 bucks which my mom spent on it, but what bothers me is the society. This dishonest society only looks at its personal gains rather being true to oneself.

A contrasting incident at the gym today...
I had just reached my gym. I was putting my shoes on as I revised my workout.
"First 200 calories on cross trainer, then I had chest and biceps workouts scheduled for today. Bench press, incline press, peck deck fly and cable cross over for chest and incline curl ,cable curl and preacher's curl for biceps"
I then gave my mobile and wallet at the reception and then started my workout.
After an hour and a half, with my respective muscles crying, I asked the manager for my wallet and mobile. He gave me my mobile and showed me a wallet asking if it was mine. It was a similar one but not mine. He looked for another in the drawer but did not find any. He said it might have got exchanged with another member. We opened the wallet which we had to look for an identity card. There was none. There were about 400 bucks. I recalled mine had 750, that got me tensed. Then we went through the members' list who had come today within the last 2 hours. After lots of thoughts,elimimations and discussions, we narrowed down to three members. The manager then called the first one. This half of the conversation sounded good. After the call, I was told that I will have my money and wallet in 10 minutes. I was relieved that some goodness was still left in the world. In 10 minutes, I had my money, my wallet and my happiness. I also got a drop half way back home by the same guy who had taken my wallet by mistake. These kind of people o respect and appreciate.

One more set of people -- they get care, they get help, they get love whenever they want from the right kind of people but they reject it. They say "please leave us alone, don't care for us," without realizing what they are going to miss and what they would be able to do with the help. They refuse to think of changing their mind about certain issues which others say they may be doing wrong.They refuse to believe that others are suggesting things which will help them improve as a person, as a student/worker and as an achiever . For them, I would say "do whatever u want. When u realize u needed the help love, people who truly want to give it will always be ready to".

So in all, I wish to see an open minded, honest, trust worthy and progressive society which may be just fictional in the present scenario. :)

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